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Oct 29, 2012

Consulting: in Decision Making

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decision making
There are many advantages of consulting a team in decision making. Especially if he matter is concerning them. Involving people in the decisions that affects them, has a lot of advantages from the point of view of a manager. When you involve people in decisions that effects them it is easy to implement the outcome and the people concerned will have no objection to what so ever.

Not only this when you involve team in decision making, you can use their expertise and know their point of view as well regarding the concerned matter. More over not every ones thinking is same, the others thinking may be better than you, and may help you make better decisions, and this way your own thinking is enriched. The other great advantage of involving the concerned people in the decision making is that, it becomes easy for you to gain commitment on behalf of them, when you involve them.

So, involving others in decision making is the best way to arrive at a solution. For decisions hat effect your team you can involve them, but for others? Depending on the nature of the of the decision you have to make, you have consult the concerned person. There are kinds of problems that need expertise to arrive at a solution and then there are problems that need experience to arrive at a solution.

For expertise you can depend on the team, or a specific individual with the necessary set of skills that you require. You can also depend on those people who use the system or product that you need expertise on. Last but not the least; you can always depend on professional advisers and consultants to arrive at a better solution, regarding expertise. For the decisions involving experience, you can always depend on your seniors, mentors and colleagues with relative experience in the field.

This way you can always make better decisions with the approval of the people and get benefited.


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