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May 18, 2013

How to stay financially fit during crunch?

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personal finance
Uncertainty is the beauty of life; the personal finance is full of uncertainty as well. Having fixed income has been the best and secure way to lead a descent life, and that is what everybody tries to achieve in their life.

During the financial crunch, which may strike at any time, one should always be prepared for that. Managing personal fiancé involves discipline lifestyle and few management approaches those to be implemented.

Obviously, no one anticipate that it could strike so early, he or she is being already trapped in financial crisis. Hardly do there any time left for the person to undo his or her past actions.

While managing personal finance for a tough situation one should aim for sustainability alongwith meeting the current requirements. For that, the current savings could be allocated in portfolio to get proper return.

The big question is how much fund does one require to maintain the current income sources intact? The answer is very simple, but just more than impossible to implement. The answer to that query is, one does need around 130 times of his current monthly income, to get the equal amount of monthly income from the funds.

That sounds nonsense for many but true indeed, if you want to have your income regularly from sources without having single effort. In order to manage personal finance, one need to focus on the expenditure site, whether any waste expenditure is being incurred, which immediately need to be cut off from the expenses list?

The basic law is that one should maintain surplus in income to avoid any financially disturbed life. The best mantra is to strike a balance; it should be towards surplus side of income and deficit side of the expenditure.

Do not worry during the financial crunch time, rather you can sit down and plan everything beforehand it drown you completely into crisis.


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