Web Analytics Business News This Week Will Indo-Pak Relationship to Shine? | Business News This Week

May 13, 2013

Will Indo-Pak Relationship to Shine?

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indo-pak relation
Photo Credit:economist.com
The people of Pakistan have given mandate to Nawaz Sharif, making him as the Prime Minister of Pakistan for the third time. The democratically elected government in Pakistan have greater role in shaping the relationship between India and Pakistan.

The recent incidents like, attack in JK – beheading Indian military, hanging of Kasab in Pune, death of Sarabjit Singh in Lahore and death of Pakistani in JK jail, were some of the recent developments that adverse to the Aman Ki Asha.

No doubt in that the relationship between India and Pakistan were good. And the both governments should try to restore peace. And the fact can’t de denied that the Army in Pakistan still have much influence on the government, and it may topple the government as happened in past.

If everything goes fine with the Pakistan newly elected government and Indian government, the peace restoration could begin with anytime between the two countries. The issues including cross border terrorism, JK, PoK and bi-lateral trade would at the major to focus for the government to discuss.

In past many talks between India and Pakistan failed resulting unrest along the border. However, the governments will aim to combat terrorism as duo nations have been facing the terrorism for long time.

Pakistan would try to combat the Taliban rule in the north, while India would try to combat the cross border terrorism. 


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