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Jul 16, 2014

Enjoy What You Have But Aspire to Enhance

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It has been a proven theory that contentment is the basic requirement to lead a peaceful and happy life. Because, until and unless you put a full stop to your list of goals and desires your running behind them will not stop and in the process of achieving them you lose the enjoyment of what you have now.

There is also another well proven fact that, until there is aspiration or desire there is no progress. Even in case of spirituality only when you have set a goal and work towards achieving it you have progress, otherwise you remain where you are.

So, which is good, to be contended with what we have or to aspire for more and to be a part of race that knows no end.
aspire to enhance

Well the secret is to strike a balance between the both, and lead a peaceful life enjoying all the things that are there now and to keep working for those that you are yet to achieve so that you keep progressing.

If your discontentment is for your betterment and for the betterment of the others it is good to be discontent. If you are unhappy about the way things are and aspire to change them and give a new direction it is good to be discontent.

Big people, successful people, great leaders of all times, they aspired for more and did not stop working progressing.

So, cherish and enjoy what you are blessed with now do not have any complaints about them. Think that whatever you are and how ever you are it is because of a reason and for your own betterment. Then aspire to become that which you want to and accepting the present things put your foot towards the future.


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