Web Analytics Business News This Week Top Benefits of Green Tea | Business News This Week

Jul 7, 2014

Top Benefits of Green Tea

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In the past few years number of people around the world have started consuming green tea. This is because of the many health benefits that it offers.

It is quite amazing to know what green tea can do to make ones health better. Let us look at the health benefits of consuming green tea on a regular basis.

Here are the benefits:

1. Green tea burns fat and increases metabolism rate naturally.

2. Green tea helps in burning out 70 calories in just a day.

3. Green tea helps in reducing the risk of cancer.

4. Green tea acts as an anti-ageing agent, as it contains an antioxidant known as polyphenols.

5. Green tea helps in fighting skin cancer.

6. Green tea reduces cholesterol and helps in preventing heart disease.

7. Green tea helps in preventing and reducing the risk of rheumatoid arthritis

8. Green tea helps in keeping the bones strong by preserving bone density.

9. Green tea helps in reducing bad cholesterol levels.

10. Green tea helps in boosting memory.

11. Green tea helps in preventing high BP.

12. Green tea helps in lowering blood sugar levels.

13. Green tea increases the immune system.

14. Green tea helps in preventing and treating cold.

15. Green tea is very good at destroying bacteria and viruses that are the root for many dental diseases.

16. Green tea helps in relieving stress, anxiety and allergies.

So, what are you waiting for just go and grab your cup of health (green tea).


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