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Sep 4, 2014

School and College Reunion

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school days
School days and college days are the best days of any one’s life, funny incidents, teacher’s scolding’s, affectionate friends all these add up to unforgettable memories.

But as we grow up and go further in life we leave our old college mates, school mates and make new friends in work places and in social life.

But the friends we made in school in college we will never be able to forget and at some point of time when we grow up and are working somewhere we just wish we could meet them.

As we grow old and age the desire becomes even stronger we just wish that we could somehow meet our old classmate’s school mates and friends and relive those wonderful and precious moments.

No matter where you stand in life now you may be a millionaire or an official. May be now you are in a position where people just wait to have a glimpse of you or talk to you.

But still you will not be able to forget the old and golden days that you spent in school or college, you may have a huge social circle now but still you wish in your heart you would meet some old friend in your school or college.

Every person no matter how old he grows always cherishes those days that he spent in school or college. Reunions are the perfect way to get in touch with our old friends and to relive those precious moments again.

The innocence or may be foolishness that was there in that age vanishes as we grow and we learn the ways of the world and when we meet those people again we see a clear difference between what we were then and what we are now.

Many people apart from just spending time together in reunions also do good and useful things to the school or college they studied.

They accumulate money and give it to the development of the school or give a scholarship to the bright students of the college.

There are so many good things that people do and they make it a custom to meet every year.

So, re-unions are one of the best things that can happen in life and become the most precious moments of our life.


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