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Nov 18, 2014

IILM Undergraduate Business School’s Sixteenth Graduation Ceremony

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IILM School’s Sixteenth Graduation Ceremony
IILM Undergraduate Business School’s Sixteenth Graduation Ceremony

IILM Undergraduate Business School New Delhi had their Sixteenth Graduation Ceremony for the graduating students of BSc. (Honours) in Business & Management Studies in collaboration with School of Management, University of Bradford at the IILM Lodhi Road campus on 14th November 2014.

Professor Brian Cantor, Vice Chancellor, University of Bradford, presided over the Ceremony and awarded Degrees to the graduating students. Mrs. Malvika Rai, Chairperson, IILM presented Dr. Kulwant Rai Gold, Silver and Bronze medals to the meritorious students.

Dr. Vandana Srivastava, Director, IILM Undergraduate College welcomed Vice Chancellor Cantor University of Bradford to IILM and highlighted the long partnership between IILM-UBS and University of Bradford. This partnership has imparted quality education to more than sixteen hundred students in the field of business and management studies since the induction of our first batch in 1996.

Dr Vandana added that “90% of the students who come to IILM College have had a family member or a close friend who is an IILM alumni and strongly recommended the IILM experience to his / her siblings and friends“. In April 2013 IILM was accorded the prestigious SAQS Accreditation by the Association of Management Development Institution in South Asia (AMDISA).

Dr Srivastava further informed that in September 2013 IILM was inducted as a champion business school by the United Nations Global Compact PRME Initiative. Only 30 B-schools from all over the world have been given this status and IILM is the only business school from India.

In his address Professor Cantor advised the students not to undervalue and underestimate themselves and believe in their ability to make things happen. “Decide what you want to do. Make sure it’s worth doing. Make sure it’s what you really want to do. And then go for it. You may not get too many chances.”

Professor Cantor congratulated the graduating students and their families, and wished them success in life.

School of Management, University of Bradford is triple accredited by European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS), Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and Association of MBAs (AMBA), often referred to as the "Triple Crown".

IILM Undergraduate Business School established since 1996 is one of the most prestigious Business Schools in the country today.


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