Web Analytics Business News This Week Naukri Job Speak Index sees 11% Increase in July’15 | Business News This Week

Aug 20, 2015

Naukri Job Speak Index sees 11% Increase in July’15

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Naukri Job Speak Index sees 11% Increase in July’15
New Delhi, Aug 20: Naukri Job Speak Index for the month of July 2015 was at 1835, registering an 11% increase hiring activity over July 2014. While the BFSI and Telecom industries recorded the maximum increase in hiring activity, the hiring scenario in the Oil and Gas and real estate industries continues to be dismal. In continuation with the trend witnessed previous month, consulting and medical/pharma professionals continue to witness a high growth in demand in the July’15 index as well. While the hiring activity in Delhi-NCR continued to be stable, Bangalore, Pune and Hyderabad let the tally registered a Y-o-Y growth between 15% - 20% in hiring activity in July 2015 as reflected by the Naukri Job Speak Index.

V Suresh, Executive Vice President and Chief Sales Officer, Naukri.com said, “Job market continues to sustain the momentum gained in the first quarter with an impressive 11% YOY growth in July. Sectors like IT, Banking and Pharma have been leading this growth for the past few months and we can expect the other sectors to pick up in the next six months or so. In my view the financial year 2015-16 will be a year to cheer for the job-seekers.”

Industry Sector Analysis:
Apart from the BFSI and Telecom industries, which led the pack as aforementioned
IT-Software and IT-Hardware industries reported a Y-o-Y growth of 26% and 21% in hiring activity in the July’15 index
The media and internet industry saw a 19% Y-o-Y growth in hiring activity
Pharmaceutical and Healthcare industries too saw an increase in hiring activity to the tunes of 16% and 15% respectively in July’15 over July’14
Core sectors like Oil and Gas, Real Estate and Auto continue to witness a decline in hiring activity to the tunes of 27%, 22% and 15% respectively in July’15 over July’14

City Wise Analysis:
As mentioned above, Bangalore took a lead in hiring activity in the June’15 index
Pune and Mumbai witnessed a growth in hiring activity to the tune of 17% and 16% respectively in July 2015 over July 2014
Hyderabad and Chennai registered a Y-o-Y increase of 16% and 8% respectively in hiring activity in the July’15 index
The hiring activity in Delhi-NCR remained stagnant according to the July’15 Index
Functional Area Analysis:
As has been reported above, the demand for Pharma and Consulting professionals saw the maximum increase in the July’15 index. Following that
The demand for IT-Software professionals recorded a Y-o-Y increase to the tune of 23%, in the July’15 index
Demand for professionals in Accounts / Finance, HR, and Banking / Insurance also recorded a Y-o-Y growth of 22%, 20% and 19% respectively in July’15 index
The demand for professionals in Pharma also witnessed a Y-o-Y growth to the tune of 5% July’15 over July’14
The demand for professionals in Marketing and Advertising witnessed a 15% Y-o-Y growth in demand in July’15 index
ITES and Engineering Design professionals saw a decline in demand of 3% and 6% respectively in July 2015 over July 2014


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