Web Analytics Business News This Week ATDC holds Training Program on Knowledge Enhancement in Textiles | Business News This Week

Oct 9, 2015

ATDC holds Training Program on Knowledge Enhancement in Textiles

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Apparel Training & Design Centre
ATDC (Apparel Training & Design Centre), India’s largest vocational training network for the apparel sector conducted a Customized Training Program for 45 days on Knowledge Enhancement in Textiles and Fabrics. The training was conducted for the top and senior managers of M/s ITX Services India, INDITEX (Zara) at their premises.

The training program was designed especially for professionals from non textile backgrounds. They were introduced to the Indian textile industry and basic study of textile. More than 23 participants attended the program.The training program was divided in 12 sessions which included the understanding ofNatural Fibers - Cotton & Flax, Natural Protein Fibers – Silk & Wool, Understand Fabric Construction Textile Dyeing and Printing, Finishing of Textile.

Training of trainers program was conducted by ATDC TOT Academy, a leader in Apparel sector. It is setting benchmarksof quality parameters in apparel industry. TOT Academy upgrades the knowledge base of the industry. The key objective of the Academy is to bring about an overall systematic change in the Apparel Industry while providing better quality trainers for industry.

Speaking on the occasion Dr. Darlie Koshy, DG & CEO, ATDC congratulated the entire Team of Training of Trainers Academy for the lead it has taken in this training and encouraged the team ZARA to take the initiatives to the next level of training especially in quality upgradation.

Ms. Roopali Shukla, Head, ATDC Training of Trainers Academy said, “ This customized training program was a unique blend of theoretical and industry relevant practical knowledge, and also shared that in one of the activity participants were blind-folded and were ask to identify the fabric with the smell of the burning fibre”

The concluding session was followed by the Valedictory function at ATDC Gurgaon. Dr. to address the participants to distribute participation certificate to the team from M/s ITX Services India; INDITEX (Zara).This was followed by the participation Certificate Distribution ceremony.

A delighted participant Ms. Triptman Kaur said, it was an amazing experience going through training phases like Understand Fabric Construction: Knits, Natural Protein Fibres – Silk & Wool, Manufactured Fibers: Synthetics & Regenerated Fibers Identification Methods etc. with ATDC Trainers”.


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