Web Analytics Business News This Week Politically Correct: Corruption Free India | Business News This Week

Dec 25, 2011

Politically Correct: Corruption Free India

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Political News: Team Anna's movement against the corruption is believed to be the biggest that aims for a corruption free India. Everybody, every political parties, and people of the country know the country suffered a lot and lost significant growth pace due to corruption in every field.

Dreaming for corruption free India, a noble cause that one will support without any hesitation. Corruption is based in the roots, those need big-push treatment to root out. A movement or peoples movement has every potential to erode corruption from India.

The recent declaration of election dates for five states assembly election will give some advantage to the corruption free India. I hope at least, the corruption will be core issue in the assembly election in the five states in the new year.

There is consensus among people and parties for a corruption free India. And this time, people and voters will back the concept to make India corruption free country while franchising their votes. And corruption will also be getting place in the most of the political parties' manifestos. 


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