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Feb 9, 2013

Top 5 Tips to Stay Fit in Old Age

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Stay Fit in Old Age
There are many common myths associated with old age. People tend to think that becoming old means becoming ill healthy, but this is not true in all cases.

There are people who are in the age of 90 and above and who are fit physically, doing all the normal activities and more. You can be healthy even when you age, but it depends on the lifestyle you have lead in the previous years of your life and the care you took to stay fit and active.

We get old because of the damaged cells, tissues and organs, even genes play an important role in aging. Genes are not in our control, but there are definitely certain habits that we can inculcate to stay healthy even when we age. Let us see what those are.
  • Diet plays a very important role in aging and so we should make sure that we take sufficient amount of healthy and nutritious diet.
  • Many people think that exercising is only for the young, but it is not so, even aged people need to exercise to stay fit but after consulting the physician. 
  • You are what you think’ so don’t let this feeling of illness and old age occupy your mind. Instead occupy your mind in some positive and constructive thinking. 
  • Your age factor should not confine you to the four walls of your house, stay active physically and socially. Engage yourself in some physical activity that you love doing, go and mingle with people and maintain social life. This will keep you active and occupied. 
  • Try meditating, this will help you to stay calm and fit mentally and will help you in stabilizing minds activities. It gives you lot of mental strength to cope up with the ups and downs in life.
Old age is not a punishment, it is a boon. If you stay fit in old age, you can lead a life of your choice and can make your life heaven. So, think positive, stay fit and active.


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