Web Analytics Business News This Week Third Front, now a reality? | Business News This Week

Jan 8, 2014

Third Front, now a reality?

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aam aadmi party
The charismatic rise of Aam Admi Party (AAP) (www.aamaadmiparty.org) in the assembly election and ascending to the throne in Delhi with support from the Congress party, shows that there is possibility of having a Third Front – non Congress – non BJP at the centre in 2014.

The AAP has become the crucial party the last assembly election and might play king maker role in the upcoming election for the lower house i.e. Lok Sabha in2014 mega battle.

Until the rise of the AAP, it was believed that the BJP might get the opportunity to gain maximum seats in the Lok Sabha election in 2014, as exit polls predicted. But with the entry of AAP in the general election might change the scenario as well.

If the AAP would get maximum seats in few states where it is having strong hold, might change the political scenario and giving a ray of hope for the supporters of Third Front.

It is official that Rahul Gandhi versus Narenda Modi for the top post – Prime Minister of India, but the another face is as well in the race i.e, none other than Arvind Kejriwal, the cheif minister of Delhi and chief of AAP.

After the elections 2014, if Third Front come into existence , there would be bright chance of Kejriwal to be the prime ministerial candidate, if his party would excel in the election as it did in assembly elections.

Keeping the changing political scenario, there would be chances of AAP to change Indian politics and may make the Third Front into a reality.


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