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Jul 14, 2014

Defeat or Failure Everything is Transitory

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Like a wheel goes up and down, there are also ups and downs in human beings life and these are transitory. But when we are faced with defeat or a bad situation we feel that this is it and it is not going to change, we do not see it as a transitory phase we see it as a permanent situation. This is the mistake that most of us make.

But the truth is that when we see the situation as transitory we gain strength to cope with the situation and handle it in a positive fashion. Every human experiences defeat at some time or the other, but the wise learn lessons from them and move ahead. Whereas others accept it as failure and get depressed, and start losing hope.

When do we experience defeat or failure only when we are not walking on a correct path. For example if a student is scoring less marks every time it means that there is fault somewhere in his approach towards studies if he learns his lessons from them and corrects himself he is sure to succeed.
defeat or failure
Like wise the difficulties and defeats that we face in life are because of the choices we have made, if we take learn from them and take corrective steps we leave them behind and move ahead in a progressive path.
If you take a look at the statistics you will find that all the great leaders and successful persons in their respective field’s attained success only after they faced and overcome the defeat or failure.

So, for any wants who wants to climb the ladder of success overcoming the feelings of defeat and failure is just an avoidable, well if not always in most of the cases. People like Edison and Graham Bell met with temporary defeats not once but hundreds of times but they never gave up, they worked their way out and achieved success.

Most of the people see only their success but those who want to grow and develop see their struggle, their will power and their determination. So, never accept defeat and never think you are a failure, change your approach, change your way and proceed till you see success.


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