Web Analytics Business News This Week Donating Surplus Food – a Social Service Activity | Business News This Week

Jul 15, 2014

Donating Surplus Food – a Social Service Activity

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Any occasion that is happy and auspicious is not complete without food. Any good news and we want to celebrate the occasion with our loved ones we call for a party. Any occasion whether it is good or bad it is not complete without food.

In marriages or in other functions we see that lot of food and that too many varieties are offered to the guests. Now a days it has also become a fashion to offer multiple cuisines in such occasions, even after consumption lot of food is left out, and it goes waste.

donating food
On such occasion instead of wasting the food you can donate the leftover food to food banks, yes, these are the very people who collect the excess food from your place and distribute it among those who are starving.

There are many kinds of organizations that are offering these kind of services. Some people bring their own transport and vessels and collect the food and go.

In some other organizations you have to take the food to their place and then they will make arrangements to distribute the food.

Any way the food is not wasted and what is excess and waste to you fills the stomach of someone who is hungry.

These are voluntary organizations founded by persons like you and me who do this as service to the society. There are many such organizations that are undertaking these kinds of activities.

So, next time you are any where you see excess or left over and good food, instead of throwing it out you can suggest giving it to these organizations and help fill in some ones empty stomach.


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