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Jul 29, 2014

Top 10 ways to Increase Children’s Confidence

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Each and every parent tries to give their child the best education, and the best of everything. But the most important thing that each and every parent should strive to teach their children is to empower their child with the skills that they require to come up in life that is life skills.

It is very important for parents to see that the seeds of self confidence are planted in them since childhood so that it grows along with them. According to research, a child who is happy and has confidence, performs much better in the school and is good in relationships.

If you take a look at the recent statistics the main reason why students that too below the age of 23 are committing suicide is lack of confidence. So, this is one thing that parents really need to concentrate on. Let us look at some of the ways to develop self confidence in the children.

1. As parents most of the time we find faults with the children and try to correct them. Instead find something to appreciate in them, when they do even a small thing that is good or correct give a pat on their back, congratulate them and appreciate them. This will increase their confidence.

2. Children are full of excitement, every time they find something new or exciting and they want to share it with you. Be patient and listen to what they say and how they feel. Those things may sound silly to us but are important to them. When they talk they learn to open up and share their feelings, this helps in boosting their confidence.

3. You tell your child to do something that he is not used to but he tries to do that and gives his best efforts, he may be successful or he may not be successful but the point is that he has tried. Reward that trying and encourage him, one day he will achieve or do that thing and show you.

4. It is more important to give your valuable time to children than to buy them the most expensive gifts. Make it part of your routine to spend some qualitative time with your child.

5. Assigning children with the tasks that suit their age and thinking levels, increases confidence in them. They feel confident when they accomplish or do something, so give them small tasks, encourage them and help them to increase their confidence.

6. Involve children in discussions as parents we don’t allow children to interfere in matters that are not of their concern, it is good. But you should find out something to discuss with them may be a topic of their interest and then involve them in the discussion, this way they learn to discuss and to communicate. When they do this they don’t hesitate to express their views and participate in discussions outside.

7. As parents most of the times we caution children not to do any mistakes, but when they do so, it is our responsibility to make them feel that it’s ok to do mistakes and it is a process of learning and nothing to be ashamed of. It should be their perspective to look at mistakes like learning tools; they should learn from it and grow but should not repeat them. This kind of attitude gives them the confidence to face life.

8. Most of the time the children’s behavior and their actions make the parents fell annoyed and shameful. But children do it out of mere ignorance, so, instead of punishing them. It is our responsibility to let them understand what they are doing and if they continue to be so what will happen to them. Making them understand and correction is important to punishment.

9. As far as possible try that the child looks for positiveness everywhere and in every situation.

10. Always try not to force the child to do things that you think are good for them. Give them some freedom, and involve yourself in doing those things that are of interest to them. This will help in strengthening the bond, and helps increase confidence.

It is not enough to buy them expensive gifts or give them the best of all things, more than anything else children crave for attention and love give them that and see with what confidence they grow up.


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