Web Analytics Business News This Week Rs.32 BPL Cap in India? | Business News This Week

Oct 5, 2011

Rs.32 BPL Cap in India?

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Rs.32 Below Poverty Line(BPL) cap in India has been widely discussed across the world targeting the Planning Commission of India. Well, lets not get into the controversy rather discuss the welfare economics.

In India, there are many poor people struggling for a square meal and its mere truth, no one can't deny it. Data or statistics defines the meaning of poor or the transgression in other.

Lets consider a simple fact about the effectiveness of the poverty eradication programmes or schemes since Indian independence in 1947 to current technological era of 2011. Is there any yardstick to measure how much we succeed eradicating poverty?

Even after five decades of independence in India, roti, kapda aur makan, electricity, water are the major election issues. That shows there is nothing change in ground level.

Now lets talk a bit about the new definition for poverty/poor in India. If I'm not wrong then, any person who earns or has more than or equal to Rs.32 is not a poor at all. Right you read the proper one, its not a joke at all.

In the country, where the inflation is near to double digit and food inflation is out of the common man. Household budget is out of control for the middle class and poor families in India. And value of Rs.32 is nothing but a simple measurement, but reality always bites.

 The bottom-line  is,  RBI changed rates for 11 times, government hiked the pertol price and gas price, sky rocket vegetable & essential commodities, where this Rs.32 fits into a family's expenses?


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