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Jul 30, 2012

Why Goal Setting is Important in Life?

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There are many people in the world, who have no direction in life; they have no specific goals to achieve, dreams to fulfill, and missions to accomplish. You think it is necessary to set goals to move ahead in life; well I have a few reasons, catch on.

Goals help you to stay focused, when you don't know where to put your energy and invest your brains, nothing can be achieved. Instead when you know where you want to go, and what you want to achieve, you focus your energy and all your capacities, to fulfill those goals. So no goals, no focus.

When you start a journey with the destination in mind, you can measure as to how far you have traveled, when you will reach, how much time it will take etc. But when you don't know where you want to go which place to reach there is no point that you will count on your stages. When you want to achieve a specific, defined goal, it becomes easy for you to take measure of your progress, so to set a goal is necessary to measure your progress.

Goals give us a meaning to life, when you have something to achieve, you life seems meaningful, when you have some purpose in life and you live to fulfill that purpose; it acts like a guidance for our life. When you are not going in a specific direction you are going anywhere and everywhere your life becomes a disaster you don't know at what curve you have face the danger, or what awaits you on the next stage. Goals give us a purpose to live life.

Only when you have goals to accomplish in life, do you need to plan, to fulfill those goals and utilize the resources you are blessed with. You plan your minutes, hours, days, months, and years only when you have goals to achieve and are passionate to achieve them. You utilize to the best all the resources, and capabilities that you have, dig into your best self, and take out all the potential and talent, only when you have goals.

So, I believe, these reasons are just enough for each one of us to set our goals and give a direction to our life.


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