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Nov 12, 2012

This Week in Business Skills – Selling, A Job of Dignity

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Anyone who sells a product, service or an idea is a sales person”- Robert Stevenson

All of us are involved in selling something or even ourselves through direct or indirect selling. But people hardly respect sales as a profession or sales people. Most people think that only those who are involved in selling goods and products are sales people and those in other professions are real professionals. The fact is that we are all involved in selling. Some sell their skills as a professional, let it be a doctor or an engineer or a writer and we are getting paid for selling our skill. Other people are getting paid for selling their services. But the basic fact is that we are all involved in selling though we may recognize it or not. One of the easiest examples is we. We dress well to attract attentions of others and that’s where we sell ourselves indirectly as we want people to see us.

When someone is selling what he is basically doing is giving a solution to a problem or has sold something that is of gain or profit to some other person. On the other way round, this is actually an act of service to people and for which each person involved with sales get paid. You are presenting a solution to the people making their lives better. You should take pride in the job you are doing and then your job will no more be a mere sales job but will become a job of dignity and with service to people.

In fact throughout our life we are either selling our skills or ideas to someone or playing the role of a buyer from someone with skills. So, selling is an art of convincing people and suggesting them what is good & best for them and how only you can help them to get it. Any person can sit behind a desk and work in comfort and earn his salary. But it takes a skilled person with lot of patience & professionalism to go to people, talk to them day or night, share your knowledge and provide them service. So selling is a job of dignity and each person involved with direct and indirect selling should be proud of it. If it helps then you should watch Rocket Singh Salesman of the Year


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