Web Analytics Business News This Week Mental Health – An Aspect That Students Should Not Neglect | Business News This Week

Feb 6, 2013

Mental Health – An Aspect That Students Should Not Neglect

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mental health
Highly competitive world and expectations of parents and pressure from the college and professors or lecturers, to score high, and to get top ranks. Who else in the world will have mental health problems in the world if not students; this is true especially for Indian students. When it comes to suicides India is the highest in the world and in it 40% are adolescents.

To help students cope with mental health problems colleges should appoint a qualified counselor who can counsel them and guide them properly. But, there are very few academic institutions that are doing so.

Andhra Pradesh is at the top, in student’s suicide rate, in southern states with 481 deaths, Karnataka follows Andhra by 455, Kerala 286 and Tamil Nadu 258. This is according to NCRB 2008 statistics.

All these facts reveal only one thing that students should take care of their mental health. Here are some tips that will be helpful.
  • When you feel depressed, don’t hesitate to ask for help. It is natural to feel depressed. If you have a professional counselor, at campus go talk to him, or share your feelings with a friend.
  • Maintain good relationship with family members and friends, this will keep you away from stress and will keep you mentally fit. 
  • Everything in this world is bound to change. As you grow you will see that people around you change, it might be at college or it might be at home and circumstances also change. So, try to accept change and make it a part of life. 
  • It is not possible for anyone to satisfy everyone or to keep happy everyone at all times. So, give your best and make sure that you are happy first. 
  • If you find that you are depressed make sure that you come out of it, or if you find any of your friend help him to do so. 
  • Know your strengths and positive points and improve on them, this will boost your confidence level.
  • Apart from studies participate in social activities and mingle with people. This will help you in getting along with people and will give you better understanding about people and about the ways of the world.


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