Web Analytics Business News This Week Zodiac Power Rings” NOW launches “Rashi Power Rings in Ashtadhatu..!!! | Business News This Week

Jan 2, 2014

Zodiac Power Rings” NOW launches “Rashi Power Rings in Ashtadhatu..!!!

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zodiac power rings
Mumbai: After the monumental success of Zodiac Power Rings, made of ‘Punchadhatu’ that catered to the Sun signs of an individual, the company has now launched “Rashi Power Rings in Ashtadhatu” to be worn by an individual based on his Hindu Rashi ( Moon sign in his natal chart) to promote calmness from all the planets & bring about positive changes in his life.

Ayurveda has since ancient times included metals in medicine, while the Ancient Indian texts are testimony to the powerful effects of various metals on the human body. As per Vedic Indian Astrological view, the combination of 8 different metals in ‘Ashtadhatu’ helps reduce the adverse effects of various planets as the pure alloy of eight metals corresponds to all the nine planets in a natal chart of the individual. Hence, its combined use helps protect the person from negative influences of various planets as it fulfills the corresponding lacking metal energy in the body.

“Rashi Power Rings in Ashtadhatu”, hence helps enhance willpower, concentration, confidence & positivity in an individual. Each metal that is used in the “Rashi Power Rings” has a subtle influence on the corresponding planet thus promoting overall wellbeing, success, productivity and prosperity for the wearer.

The Rashi Power Rings can be worn as per Hindu Rashi ( Moon sign in the individual’s natal chart) to help enhance physical well being as well as to add positive vibes in every situation.

The “ Rashi Power Rings made in Ashtadhatu” is priced at Rs. 4500/- only and is available at all leading Jewellery Stores across the country.

As an add-on guarantee, if the consumer is not satisfied with the product, within15 days of the purchase they can get a refund of 80% on the bill amount from the company.

The Rashi Power Rings are brought to the end consumer by Zodiac Jewels Pvt. Ltd, a sister concern of Vanity Gold that brought the elegantly designed and effective Zodiac Power Rings to the masses that have also been used by many celebrities to fulfill their dreams and aspirations. The company has a few international awards to its credit in 1999 and 2001 for its Zodiac Power Rings.

About Zodiac Jewels Pvt. Ltd & Dr Ashit Jalui

Zodiac Jewels Pvt. Ltd. is a sister concern of Vanity Gold of Dr. Ashit Jalui, who had launched Zodiac Power Rings in 1992, based on scientifically researched ancient data on the use of Panchdhatu or Panch-loha Rings for as per individual’s Sun sign and now the “Rashi Power Rings in Ashtadhatu” to be worn as per the Hindu Rashi. ( Moon sign in the individual’s natal chart )

Backed with a Masters degree in Astronomy, ( USA) , Dr Ashit Jalui, who is also known for successfully analyzing the natal chart of Shri Narendra Modi (ref http://issuu.com/indiapost/docs/indiapost_01-25-2013?e=1170327/4011335)

“The balanced combination of metals in the body helps oneself to take an appropriate and correct decision that favours growth as an individual, enhancing will power, confidence, assertiveness and concentration to help an individual become alert besides removing self-defeating attitudes & tendencies, thereby increasing productivity on the whole & positive decisions in life.

Every ring is handmade to improve its effectiveness, creating more opportunities for the wearer. Our endeavour is to reach all the segments of society and for their betterment.

We believe, It is possible to Rewrite your destiny with our Rings!!!

For more information log on to www.zodiacpowerring.com Or Call 08080513322 / (022) 66688247/8


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