Web Analytics Business News This Week Gyalwang Drukpa's Birthday with much Fanfare and Gaiety | Business News This Week

Mar 14, 2014

Gyalwang Drukpa's Birthday with much Fanfare and Gaiety

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gyalwang drukpa
Followers, fans and supporters all over the world celebrated the birthday of His Holiness the Gyalwang Drukpa, India-born spiritual head of Drukpa Buddhists with much fanfare and gaiety. While the main birthday celebrations happened in Kathmandu in Nepal, over 2000 monastic centres across the Himalayas, and an additional 50 spiritual centres across the world, participated in the grand celebration with individually planned programs. Thiswas the first time that the Gyalwang Drukpa’s birthday, according to both the western calendar as well as the lunar calendar fell in the same week. Delegations from various countries including Bhutan, Brazil, France, Germany, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Peru, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Vietnam, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom and the United States thronged the Druk Gawa Khilwa Nunnery in Kathmandu to pay their respects and partake in the grand celebration that was preceded by the Phowa retreat. More 15,000 participated in the grand ceremony, amongst others, all finding solace and tranquillity in the presence of their spiritual master. His Eminence Drukpa Thuksey Rinpoche’s birthday was also celebrated on the same day.

Speaking on the celebrations, His Eminence Gyalwa Dokhampa said, “We are extremely fortunate to have the continued presence of His Holiness amidst us for the welfare and enlightenment of all sentient beings. With His Holiness being the reincarnation of 12th century Indian saint Naropa, we are fortunate to join together to celebrate his birthday and in the name of his birthday, had a retreat together.”

The entire birthday celebration was organised and spearheaded by the nuns of the Druk Gawa Khilwa nunnery who led the prayers, conducted religious activities, cultural performance, dragon dance, and Kung Fu demonstrations. Delegations of followers from various other countries also performed during the celebration. Speaking on the location choice, His Eminence Gyalwa Dokhampa who lives in Bhutan said, “What could be a better venue? Keeping in mind His Holiness’ unflinching focus on empowering the nuns, it was apt that the nuns lead the celebrations. This is our biggest nunnery, and thus maximum number of nuns could participate in conducting the celebrations and hosting the event.

An eye camp is also being organised as the concluding activity to the birthday celebration. Headed by Dr. Sanduk Ruit and sponsored by the Drukpa Buddhists, the 3-day eye-camp will benefit 200 cataract patients with their eyesight completely restored.


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