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Nov 1, 2012

MBA institutes can produce professional managers?

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We have lot of MBA institutes, popping up like mushrooms, and the demand is ever increasing. But are we getting the right fruits of this boom is the question?

The role that institutes play in grooming a professional that too, a management professional is great, we cannot deny this fact.

From a lay man with no knowledge about the management profession to a well trained professional, capable of handling the corporate and the complications. Institutes do have a major role to play.

Every year we find so many professionals coming out of the colleges with the hopes of right job and bright future.

Every year we also find so many companies on a look out for the right candidates, and out of fifty ten are selected. Where does the fault lie, all from reputed institutes, well trained and well equipped. How far MBA institutes are successful in producing professionals?

How far an institute is able to produce well trained and well equipped professionals depends on lot many factors.

mba institutes
MBA Institutes and the students should not blindly follow the curriculum, they should have practical knowledge, of the profession they are about to take up, they should be trained practically, to know the up and downs in the profession and they should be given a chance to face challenges and with stand them.

They should be well trained to manage themselves and to manage others and the situations they will be facing in their profession as managers.

Frankly speaking, there should not be any difference between what is thought and they will face and what they have to do as managers in their real life.

Practical exposure and training plays a major part rather than theory in grooming an individual as a perfect professional manager.

Only then will MBA institutes be successful in producing professional managers. 


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