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Aug 14, 2014

Top 10 Tips to Stay Mentally Healthy

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Every one knows about the physical health and its importance, but there are very few people who know about and are concerned about mental health. Being healthy mentally is even more important than physical health.

Even if your body is totally healthy and active if you are not mentally active and fit there is no use and you cannot accomplish anything, on the other hand if a person is mentally healthy and strong though he has physical limitations he can overcome them and be successful.

So, what are the ways to be mentally healthy? Let us know them.

1. Try to develop a positive outlook towards life, have some goals and work towards them.

2. Instead of finding faults with yourself, think about your positive aspects and develop them.

3. Try to look at a situation or a problem from both sides instead of thinking from one side.

4. Too much of anything in life is not good. So try to find a balance in everything that you do in life.

5. Always try to choose that which is good for you instead of what you like.

Mentally Healthy

6. Spend daily at least half an hour doing what you love.

7. Practice meditation and do regular exercises.

8. No person in this world is perfect, so are you so accept people as they are and don’t try to change them.

9. Have a clear vision about yourself, in life what you want to achieve how you want to live.

10. Make it a habit to look for good and positive in everything and every person.

Follow these tips stay mentally fit and healthy, and enjoy the journey of life.


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