Web Analytics Business News This Week Navratna companies - Most Successful Public Sector Enterprises of India | Business News This Week

May 7, 2010

Navratna companies - Most Successful Public Sector Enterprises of India

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Navratna title is given to most successful nine Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) of India in the year 1997. Now the number of Navratna companies rose to 19. 

These Navratna companies are profit making and globally competent companies of India. These industries and companies are pride of India, have their mark of presence in the global economy. We have listed these 19 Navratna companies as following :

navratna companies
  • Bharat Electronics Limited : BEL is one of the electronics companies in India and it got the status of Navartna from the Government of India. As of April 1, 2008, BEL's order book is estimated to be around Rs.9,450 crores.
  • Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited : BHEL is largest engineering and manufacturing enterprise in India. Its products are power generation, industries, transportation, renewable energy, oil and gas and transmission. This PSU has good track record for last fifty years.
  • Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited : BPCL is one of largest oil and gas company in India bearing the status of Navratna. It is one of finest oil companies in India, in the arena of petroleum industry.
  • Coal India Limited : CIL is the world's largest coal miner and best PSU owned by the Government of India. The headquarter of the CIL is in Kolkata, India. Its a coal mining and production industry.
  • GAIL (India) Limited : GAIL was known as Gas Authority of India Ltd. Its one of largest gas transportation PSU of India.
  • Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited : HPCL is one of giant oil companies in India. HPCL got the Navratna awards from the government of India. It's also a globally recognized company of India.
  • Indian Oil Corporation Limited : Indian Oil is a PSU of the government of India having the Navratna status. It's major products are petrol, diesel, kerosene, LPG and petrochemicals.
  • Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited : MTNL is Government of India owned telephone service provider. Most recognized company in the telecom arena. First 3G Mobile service was stared by MTNL in India. '
  • National Aluminium Company Limited : NALCO is the Aluminium manufacturing industry of India. It's is recognized globally for its latest and finest technology in Aluminium manufacturing and also largest industry in aluminium complex and encompassing bauxite mining.
  • Oil India Limited: Oil India (OIL) is the pioneer in exploration and production of hydrocarbons in India, and traces its roots back to Oil India Private Ltd.
  • Power Finance Corporation Limited : Its a major financial PSU in power sector in India. It's advances the loans like - rupee term loan, foreign currency loan and short term loan.
  • Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) : SCI was incorporated in the year 1961. It operates and manages vessels that services both national and international lines.
  • Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) : SAIL is one of the highest profit making PSUs in India. It was founded in 1954. With the annual production of 13.5 million metric tons, SAIL is the 16th largest steel producer in the world.
  • National Thermal Power Corporation : NTPC Limited is one of largest power generation company in India.


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