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Aug 6, 2012

Past, Present and Future

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Finish everyday and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense. This day is all that is good and fair. It is too dear, with its hopes and invitation, to waste a moment on yesterdays.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Some incidents, some harsh words, and some people have such an influence on our life that, we can rarely forget them, and feel hard to move far word in life. And from that point of time we start seeing other people or other relations from the same point of view our experience has revealed us. A wrong act done by an employee at a certain period of time changes our entire view about everyone else, we start seeing everyone from the same eyes, and there we begin our first step towards, punishing someone else for what some other person has done to us.

We let our past experiences creep into our present, and obstruct our vision of looking at people as what we think they are, instead of what they are. Our bitter experience with the past employer, and we tend to see and think the new one also to be the same, and behave in the way we should not. A bitter experience in a personal relationship, and we think, it would be the same next time or with next person.

In life every moment is new, every second is new, the people you encounter are different and it is not right to treat and think that everyone would be same. We should not let our past influence our present, or we should not let the worry of future creep into our mind, because neither are in our control, and all that we have in our hands is present, and if we want to move ahead in life we need to be ‘present’ in present, only then you will have a bright future.

So, when we learn to live life moment by moment, and deal in person to person not letting our past come in between, we live life, like life, fully present, in present. When you live in present, and handle it properly, you are shaping your future properly.


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