Web Analytics Business News This Week 2014 Election: Team Anna Factor | Business News This Week

Aug 6, 2012

2014 Election: Team Anna Factor

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With the Gandhian leader - Anna Hazare's declaring to form a party for the election in 2014 in India, there would some changes in the equation in the politics. People of the country those supported the fight against corruption, black-money, Jan Lok Pal Bill, they would certainly would stand by with the decision, no doubt in that.

The election in 2012 will be interesting one, as according to L K Advani's prediction, chances of a leader from other than BJP and Congress are more. And the entry of Anna Hazare into active politics and people's voice against corruption would have some major impact on the political equations though.

In the 2nd term of the UPA government which has many problems like - inflation, corruption, to solve and only two years left to complete the task. In 2014 elections may the voters monitor the report card of the UPA's second term of administration. And strong campaign by the team Anna would bring some major changes in the wining constituencies number of all the parties not only the UPA parties.

Another important thing about the team Anna is that they have the cyber tool, their active campaign on social media and social networking sites would also bring some changes in the mind of the voters. In the age of cyber communication, a message on Facebook could bring a revolution, and that was happened when Anna sat on fasting for the first time for Jan Lok Pal.

Whatever the party Anna may chose to make, but certainly he is going to change election equation in 2014.


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