ISAI 2012 papers will be available in the IPCSIT (ISSN: 2010-460X) as a single volume in the onset of the conference, and will also be indexed by established internet libraries like WorldCat, Google Scholar, Engineering & Technology Digital Library and CNKI. The keynote speakers at the conference are Dr.Basavaraja Banakara (Professor & HOD EEE, Gitam University), Dr.S.Arumuga Perumal (M.Sc.M.S.-Software Systems,M.Phil, Ph.D., SMIEEE, FIE, FIETE Head,Department of Computer Science S.T.Hindu college,Nagercoil-2) and many others will also give their speech on the current research in ISAI.
Delegates from all around the world are attending the conference and also playing important roles in the conference. Some of the important research personalities attending the conference and also as committee chairs are Prof. Wang Jun (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), Prof. Jemal Antidze (Director of the Scientific Institute of Mathematics and Information Technology, Georgia, USA), Prof. Kyoung Hoon Kim (Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea), Dr. Chunlei Xia (University of Southern California (USC), USA), Prof. Santoso Wibowo (CQUniversity, Australia) and many more.
Key Topics to be discussed at ISAI 2012
- Evaluation of response time using gang scheduling algorithm for B2C Electronic Commerce architecture implemented in Cloud Computing Environment by Queuing Models
- Data Mining Approach in Security Information and Event Management
- Network Transform – A Tool Based Approach
- The Image Watermarking Scheme Using Edge Information in YCbCr Color Space
- Performance of Mobile Adhoc Networks in Presence of Attacks
- Security Toolbox for Authentication, Character Recognition and Language Coder
- Mathematical Modeling of Hidden Layer Architecture in Artificial Neural Networks
- A Multi-step On-Off Blade Vertical Rotor for Harnessing Wind Energy
- Energy Optimization in Cooking Devices
- Development and performance characteristics of a Low-Cost Parabolic Solar Collector
- An Overview on Current Control Techniques for Grid Connected Renewable Energy Systems
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