Firefox OS launched
Launched around a week before Firefox OS is the new OS for your mobiles devices. If you’re a Firefox user and recently visited the site, then you must have seen the announcement about the new Firefox OS. Till now Firefox is considered as one of the competitive mobile browsers for both desktops and mobile phones. And now this new OS from Mozilla is expected to be a challenger to Apple, Symbian and Windows platforms in the future. Firefox OS is not limited to a single mobile manufacturer or carrier and thus proves to be beneficial for users & developers. There is also market place where users can find unlimited number of Firefox OS supporting apps.
Google Plus integrated into Google Play Store
Yes, you can provide app reviews through on Google Play store and your Google+ icon will show up beside your review with your photo and name. This is a new strategy from Google to improve review quality and also promote their brand Google Plus. Earlier Google also has made the Youtube video comments to be put through Google Plus profile.
Galaxy Note II crossed 5 millions sales figures
Within less than a month Samsung Galaxy Note II sales figures are touching 5 million from 3 million. Less than two weeks before we wrote an article on Mass Gadget Heist , where we wrote about theft of 1400 units of Galaxy Note II. We really don’t know what the actual reason behind such boost in sales is. If these heists are more of a publicity stunt than actual theft then as per the figures these stunts are working.
Android updates for the new Jelly Bean
Google android has been releasing new updates to its Jelly Bean update and some of the carriers in Australia, Europe and China are already releasing these updates into their devices. Vodafone Australia will begin the delivery of Samsung Galaxy S III with the new Jelly Bean update and in China Android 4.2 is ready to hit the market.
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