Web Analytics Business News This Week Safety of Women is Prime Concern? | Business News This Week

Dec 31, 2012

Safety of Women is Prime Concern?

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safety of women in India
In India, the coming new year 2013 will bring a resolution with it about safety of women in India. The resolution did not mean any official or government approved, but it would be from the parents, those are in panic after witnessing the ghastly incident of gang-rape in Delhi in December 16th.

Parents and youth would come forward with an aim to save women in India from such embarrassing and ghastly situations. Rape is a shame that tarnished image of India, where a women was brutally gang-rapped in a running bus on the highway in Delhi.

The death of victim will be ever remembered and the society would not allow to happen such with others. Perhaps, this is the first case in India, which waked the society and alarmed bell 'its time for action' to save women.

There may be many cases in India, which were not came to limelight. So, after this shameful incident or gang-rape, society and its people, may have come courage to stop such heinous crime against women.

The major concern is how to protect women, but the answer is also simple, people should aim to check such crimes in their locality and they need not allow any such anti-social aliments into their areas or they can raise their voice against them.

People need to join hand with Police Department, they should cooperate, inform the cops if there any anti-social aliments there or suspected to be.

In a country like India having rich cultural values, rape is not a crime but also big blow on our culture and shame.


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