Web Analytics Business News This Week Hate Speech in Indian Politics | Business News This Week

Feb 11, 2013

Hate Speech in Indian Politics

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hate speech in Indian politics
Hate speech in Indian political system is common and everyday you may come across any such statements. Politicians make such speeches, which could bring them into limelight and the ultimate aim to reach position.

There are several instances of hate speech in past few months, and some of them convicted too. Let's not count the speeches rather focus on why such hate speech campaign is going on.

In Indian political scenario, speech has its not prominence, why not who like a leader with loud voice. A political leader must have good voice to appeal his voters for his/her party and his/her  candidature.

Politicians those have been making hate speech know their trump card very well, when to go for it and how to cash the situation.

Now the point is, will India going to see a time where the political parties and the leaders might not favor the theme of 'hate speech'.

For media there is ethics, they will not sensationalize certain issue for the profit, but there any such provision in the by-law of political parties that they would not favor the 'hate speech'.

The ultimate loss due the such 'hate speeches' is the diversity, there was no unity at all among the people supporting various political parties.  It has been creating permanent gap between many communities of United India.

An appeal, please do not make any 'Hate Speech' it is dividing us in the international scenario.


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