Web Analytics Business News This Week Changing Political Values in India? | Business News This Week

Apr 12, 2013

Changing Political Values in India?

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Indian politics
With the nation is gearing up for the next general elections in 2014, the values of political or politics have been changing rapidly.

The issue based politics has been the heart of Indian politics in past, but some of the issues might force to change the Indian politics completely.

The issue like women security and gang-rape are few examples from many issues in India; those could stain the India politics.

Next comes the issues of corruption and black money hoarded in Swiss bank, these are major issues that India is witnessing today.

Few more major issues in India are farmers’ suicide and development in agriculture sector. The big question is, how these issued would be raised by the political parties?

Voters would like to know how their leader reacts to these issues and what suggestion they have to represent them.

The issue based politics has been the at the core, and the major issues are sure going to decide the fate of many political leaders in forth coming election and that is for sure.

In 2012, people backed the anti-corruption movement, and now that voters are aware not to elect corrupt leaders.

Local issues have also major role in deciding the fate of political leaders in the next election in 2014.

These issues may be considered as prime in the manifesto of political parties for 2014 general elections.


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