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Apr 8, 2013

Your Happiness Lies in Others Happiness

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If you want happiness for an hour – take a nap
If you want happiness for a day – go fishing
If you want happiness for a month – get married

If you want happiness for a year – inherit a fortune
If you want happiness for a lifetime – help others

- Chinese Proverb

Along with time all human minds have changed to an extent where in we are hardly thinking of anyone else, except our self and our family. We are always thinking of the ways as to how we can be benefitted by the other person, or how we can make use of the other person.

Hardly ever we think of a reason as to how we can help others and how we can add value to the life of others. We hardly think as to how using my resources I can help this person progress. We all have goals to achieve professional and personal and we are always worried as to how we can achieve them.

But some where being carried away by these thoughts we are forgetting the fact that, as social beings we have a duty towards others also to help them with their goals and dreams in life. If we study the life of successful people, on their way to personal success they also helped other people progress either as a person or in their profession.

They never waited for a time when they will attain name, fame and stature to help others in their way to progress. Along with working on their own success they made sure that there were there for others who needed them.

This is a lesson we all need to learn from those people, real success, and real happiness lies in helping others progress and achieve success. Any fool can work for his own prosperity and happiness but it takes a man of character and value to think of others progress as well.

So, if we want to be happy always under all circumstances in life shift your thinking from I to you. See how you can keep the people around you happy and prosper and add value to others life, because this is how you add value to your own life.


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