Web Analytics Business News This Week Choose Batting or Betting | Business News This Week

May 28, 2013

Choose Batting or Betting

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The scam in IPL spot fixing has puzzled many fans across the world – whether to like the Batting or Betting. The game is known for the simplicity and glamour, where Sachin Tedulkar is considered as God of Cricket, finally seems fading its color due the betting instead of batting.

Most of the cricket lovers like batting, would like to see a batsman scoring 100s, 50s in the score board. But when the betting over rule the genuine form of cricket leaving fans mesmerizing - what is all about the betting instead of batting.

Officially it is the bad practice and a gambling illegally. What about if it could be legalized? Well, in a country having second largest population, there it sounds simple impossible. Because law can be enacted easily but it will be hang in balance when it comes implementing it practically.

According to some reports, the international don Daud Ibrahim was the master mind in the spot fixing scam, it might be because IPL is not only game to entertain or show the first class cricket rather to show & exhibit the money power it has.

From the auction to dance of the cheer gals, all are the act of money. Somewhere, it was mentioned that a six or four in the IPL match may cost around some lacs. If that aspect is taken into consideration, then the profit from the IPL would be in some hundred crores.

If the players have been paid huge amount the play the matches by the franchise owners, then why do they getting into spot fixing? Is there any other reason apart from money to result the fixing, betting of IPL matches.

Whatever may the cause be, it is enough to fade the charm of the IPL matches. It simply converted into Batting into Betting.


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