Both BSE Sensex and Nifty were up at Tuesday noon due to selecting buying by the investors. The Sensex was at 19,709.04 points with gaining 98.56 ( +0.50%) at noon and the Nifty at 5,970.20 pints gaining 30.90 (0.52%). The equity market rebound from losses sessions as recorded on Monday and last week.
The market has been bullying but this time very selective scrips have been given preference by the buyers. The BSE was down at the opening trade but the buying stocks gained the momentum as the day progressed. On the contrary, the NSE Nifty went down by around 30 points at 11 am, but gained later on and levelled with the loss till noon on Tuesday.
Top gainers at BSE Sensex were Bata India, Glaxosmithkl, Cadila Health, Glaxosmithkl Phar and L&T Finance Holdings till noon. And Nifty gainers were LT, CIPLA, RANBAXY, IDFC, LUPIN .
Losers at BSE Sensex were Gitanjali Gems, Dish TV India, Shree Cement, Mangalore Ref, HDIL and SESAGOA, ULTRACEMCO, JINDALSTEL, HCLTECH, INFY were losers at Nifty till noon.
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