Do you believe in exit polls? If your answer is yes, here is another question: Do you think the results shown in the exit poll enough to influence voters? Recently, one exit poll shown results that BJP was getting more seats in the 2014 elections, while Congress less.
Political parties do mega campaign to get the attention of voters and their vote in election. The results of exit poll could affect their vote bank. News channels are being widely watched in India, and people do watch election news with great interest.
The exit polls are based on the opinion given by the voters, those are the actual respondents in the survey containing list of questionnaires. And the exit polls are scientific, since it involves the voice of the voters from various reasons.
Similarly, in past elections some exit polls were proved correct, while some fail. Since the voice or willingness of the voters are being taken in the exit poll, during the time of the exit polls that is real. And during the election time, the respondents may change their opinion while voting. And the variation is sure and natural.
Political parties too have been taking the results of exit polls seriously, as those have been indicating their presence or hold in their reason. And before the election if they come to know about the poor presence, then they could take a cue from the exit poll and start preparing the ground from their areas to win the elections.
And the exit polls do influence the other voters about the political parties and it is common. A voter may give vote to a party that is being accepted by many voters in exit polls. Exit polls are scientific and true sine those represent the voice of the voters – respondents.
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