Today so many people around the world are using facebook widely to have an active social life. It has so many advantages also, but there is the other side of the coin that many people need to know. Let us have look at them.
1. It has a severe effect on the family life and personal life. Instead of devoting time to family members, and in some other useful activity, People are stuck with it. They don’t interact with any one, no physical activity, nothing. Especially the teenagers and the youngsters are the one that need to have a reality check.
2. Communication skills and social skills are deteriorating, because most of the time people are away from real world either caught up in the mails or on the face book. They hardly feel the necessity to interact with people in the family and in their surroundings.
3. There are so many hackers who can gain access to your account and can make the changes they want in your profile. One can quote hundreds of examples, where people have noticed changes in their profiles.
4. Another shocking development regarding the facebook is that hackers have developed sites similar to facebook, if the user opens it, his user id and pass word will be known to the hacker. Because people cannot distinguish between the site that looks exactly like face book.
5. Your facebook profile holds the capability to ruin your career or professional growth. In most of the cases employers look for the applicants social networking website’s profile. And anything that makes them think and you have a reason to worry.
6. Women especially need to be careful while using facebook. There have been many instances where women have been harassed and exploited by using their information and photos on the facebook.
7. Voicing your opinion on the facebook without thinking the pros and cons, posting personal images and status updates, may have serious effect on your personal and professional life. So, you need to be extremely cautious about what you say and post.
8. The facebook content of an individual can be used in legal matters if the necessity arises, it can with no second thoughts, can have access to A to Z of all your activities on the facebook.
9. Fake profile is one of the main threats of face book.
10. Facebook is addictive and people spend their valuable time on facebook instead of using that time in some other useful activity or for self development.
1. It has a severe effect on the family life and personal life. Instead of devoting time to family members, and in some other useful activity, People are stuck with it. They don’t interact with any one, no physical activity, nothing. Especially the teenagers and the youngsters are the one that need to have a reality check.
2. Communication skills and social skills are deteriorating, because most of the time people are away from real world either caught up in the mails or on the face book. They hardly feel the necessity to interact with people in the family and in their surroundings.
3. There are so many hackers who can gain access to your account and can make the changes they want in your profile. One can quote hundreds of examples, where people have noticed changes in their profiles.

5. Your facebook profile holds the capability to ruin your career or professional growth. In most of the cases employers look for the applicants social networking website’s profile. And anything that makes them think and you have a reason to worry.
6. Women especially need to be careful while using facebook. There have been many instances where women have been harassed and exploited by using their information and photos on the facebook.
7. Voicing your opinion on the facebook without thinking the pros and cons, posting personal images and status updates, may have serious effect on your personal and professional life. So, you need to be extremely cautious about what you say and post.
8. The facebook content of an individual can be used in legal matters if the necessity arises, it can with no second thoughts, can have access to A to Z of all your activities on the facebook.
9. Fake profile is one of the main threats of face book.
10. Facebook is addictive and people spend their valuable time on facebook instead of using that time in some other useful activity or for self development.
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