Web Analytics Business News This Week Thermage for youthful skin | Business News This Week

Sep 30, 2014

Thermage for youthful skin

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Dr Chiranjiv Chhabra, leading cosmeto dermatologist, SkinAlive Clinics

One of the most revolutionary treatments offered in recent years, Thermage is an effective answer to several skin ageing worries.

Decades of exposure to the sun, pollutants and the whims and fancies of the environment can leave an indelible mark on the skin. The effects of photo-ageing, dull and sagging skin, wrinkles that start cropping up in our early 30s, deprive us of our once youthful appearance.

However, science and research has given us several powerful weapons to undo or at least slow down the effects of ageing on the skin.  

Thermage is one such new age procedure that has gained immense popularity in recent years.
Dr Chiranjiv Chhabra, leading cosmeto dermatologist, SkinAlive Clinics
It is one of the latest and most effective treatments available for skin lift up, body contouring and skin tightening.

Thermage is a safe, non-invasive, no downtime, single treatment, cosmetic procedure that is clinically proven to tighten, contour and rejuvenate facial skin to help naturally restore a more youthful appearance.

It is US FDA approved for the treatment of facial wrinkles, and utilizes a unique form of Capacitive Radiofrequency (CRF) technology to tighten existing collagen and stimulate new natural collagen production to return you a more youthful and rejuvenated skin.

Thermage tightens sagging jowls and skin. It helps contour the jaw line to achieve a more defined jaw and facial features, it improves skin texture and tones over the entire face.

The area around the eyes is one of the most affected by the signs of ageing. The under eye skin loosens, becomes wrinkly and dull.  

Thermage helps stimulate new collagen generation in the area and tightens the skin around eyes, giving you a fresher, more youthful appearance. It helps reduce hooding, softens fine lines and crow’s feet area, smoothes and tightens skin on the eyelids and eye area.

The best part of the procedure is that it is absolutely non-invasive and non surgical, not even requiring an injection in the process.

A walk-in procedure, it doesn’t take much time and has longer lasting results. In fact, results are visible immediately and continue to improve for up to six months. .


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