Web Analytics Business News This Week Urban Life is it Really Life? | Business News This Week

Sep 8, 2014

Urban Life is it Really Life?

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urban lifestyle
Sunrises and our curtains rise to the problems of mechanical life; we start the day not thinking about the good things and God but about the tasks that are there on our head.

We wake up lifeless and discouraged oh God; need to go to office again. We are always in a race to go in time to office, race to give the best, race to do our duties, and race to excel and to accumulate money, this race knows no end and we keep running and running till we run out of time and energy.

This is the hard truth behind the glittering urban life. We stay in the same home but have no time to see each other faces. We just sleep together and once in a week eat together and are busy completing the other works.

We don’t have time to call our brothers or sisters we don’t even bother to answer their calls, because we are too tired doing our cores at home and at work.

We don’t bother about relationships because we earn enough that we think we don’t need any one. Because money is all that we need in today’s time and we can buy anything with money.

All that bothers to us is our own family me, my spouse and my children and no one else not even our parents. Life in urban areas is like this, we don’t trust the person next to our home we don’t know their faces even if are living there for a long time.

We have nice cars, luxurious flats, and handsome bank balance but we don’t have time to eat and sleep. There is every “thing” in life except “life” this is the real face of urban life.


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