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Nov 13, 2014

Profile of Anuja Kapur - criminal psychologist

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Mrs Anuja Kapur
Anuja Kapur is the famous criminal psychologist. She is a Delhi University Graduate and did her bachelor’s in psychology after that she joined Delhi Public School as a student counsellor. Later on she got into the Criminal Psychology and did her Masters in same stream. The zeal to learn more led her into another course in Forensic Science from Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Science and University of Delhi under the guidance of Dr. Surinder Nath.

Almost all leading News Channels like Ibn7, Aaj Tak, NDTV, India News, News X, News Nation, Zee News etc invite her for her valuable inputs on various issues whether it is women empowerment, rape or any kind of violence in the society irrespective of gender or age.

Apart from News Channels she always gets place in various leading Newspapers like (The Times of India, Hindustan Times etc), Magazines (like Grih Shobha, Greh Laxmi etc), News websites and actively followed by thousands of people on social media like Facebook.

Social Activist
Mrs Anuja Kapur joined NGO “CURES” as a Vice-President. As a Vice President she was supporting CURES towards its goal especially related to women empowerment. Cures seeks to bring corporate systems and society`s elite and prominent personalities to social sector with an overall aim to create and support meaningful activities that address some of Indian Society`s most developmental challenges.

  • Recently Mrs Kapur joined an initiative by India Today “I am Shakti Pledge” a movement for women safety and empowerment where she discussed about conditioning the society and change their mindset where they learn to treat women as another human being with an equal right to live with dignity.
  • March against Arvind Kejriwal for not forming a govt. 
  • As an individual she filed an RTI against the Election Commission as the govt body has violated this legal Right of the youth by putting the Date Clause of 1st Jan 2013 in the policy depriving thousands of youth from their Right To Vote.

After having decades of experience in psychology Mrs Anuja Kapur decided to raise her voice for victims of rape, eve teasing, violence and acid attacks, so for that she got an International Diploma in Victimology from, The Tokiawa International Victimlogy Institute, Japan.

Due to her popularity and recognition she gained in the society many school, colleges and various other organisations invites her for their annual function or in their general meet.

Recently, Mrs. Kapur attended the function at Rashtrapati Bhavan with the company of Former Chief Controller (R & D), DRDO, Dr. A. Sivathanu Pillai.

Mrs. Anuja Kapur recently helped Delhi Tours Escorts Association to launch their social campaign in Delhi, where she delivered a speech to promote the tourism in India.

Mrs. Anuja Kapur appeared as a Chief Guest at Gyan Bharati School, Saket and spoke about the principles and practices of sensitive parenting.

Mrs. Anuja Kapur also facilitated the students of Kirorimal College of Delhi University for Painting and Table tennis competition. Not only she went and congratulates the winners of these competitions, she also brought awareness about women empowerment.

Mrs Anuja Kapur also appeared as a Chief Guest at Maxfort School in addition to bring a role model in between children, parents and teachers.

First time in the history of Police Academy, trying to sensitize police on gender issues and organized a lecture for the same where Mrs. Anuja Kapur delivered lecture to DANIPS. D.A.N.I.P.S applies to “Delhi, Andaman Nicobar Island Police Services”, which is a police service in India, mainly administering the Delhi and Union territories of India.

Source: LUSTER PR, New Delhi


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