Web Analytics Business News This Week Time to Change Our Policies to help Farmers: Anuja Kapur | Business News This Week

Apr 15, 2015

Time to Change Our Policies to help Farmers: Anuja Kapur

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Time to change our policies to help Farmers: Anuja Kapur
In all over the world our country is known for agricultural dominating country. But the condition of farmers in India is as bad as it can be. As unseasonal rain has broke the back of farmers. In this season the farmers are facing the toughest time of their life and the worst part is that they are facing it alone as there is no one to support them or give them actual compensation which can really help them to cover their loss.

Recently our P.M Narendra Modi came forward to help the farmers but the amount government is giving to the farmers who have lost their crops in the unseasonal rain is not justify to their losses. Media is daily publishing the misery of the farmers but no one is still come up to help them.

Due to all this unseasonal rain we have lost most part of the crops specially the wheat. The farmers are in trouble and committing suicide in order to their crops failure. Yesterday, we celebrated “Baisakhi” a festival we celebrate for our crop but this time around the charm of the festival was soaked by the misery of the farmers. On the eve of “Baisakhi” famous Criminal Psychologist and Social Activist Mrs. Anuja Kapur said, “The slogan of “Jai Jawaan, Jai Kisan” is not enough, we need better insurance policies that are rational and sustainable as business models.

The current set of insurance policies under the National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (NAIS), Modified NAIS, and the Weather-Based Insurance Scheme (WBIS) have failed miserably to protect our farmers. The crop insurance premiums are very high in our country .Every state should come forward to help farmers without any differences among each other. Farmers are very crucial part of our economy therefore we should work for their betterment.”


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