Web Analytics Business News This Week Sony Xperia S: The Smartphone that stands apart | Business News This Week

May 16, 2012

Sony Xperia S: The Smartphone that stands apart

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Sony Xperia S’s 4.3 inch screen with that can feature 16 million colors is surely the most striking feature of this Smartphone. Powered by Sony Bravia, this is the brand’s first phone after its adieu to Ericson. Its built in NFC feature enables scanning tags and exchanging of documents.

Sony Xperia S

With respect to its design, the deep blacks make the phone look chic and elegant. The LED backlit and the scratch resistant glass makes its users feel at ease. The LED indicators glow in different colors to represent different events. The Gingerbread OS facilitates a user – friendly interface. The 12Mp camera with amazing quality allows you to experiment with different shooting conditions with its incorporated features like 3Dpanaroma, Autoscene etc.

The 32 GB of internal memory gives you no reasons to compromise with your storage requirements. However, they could have bumped up with something advanced than the 1.5 GHz Scorpion CPU.

Connectivity is not an issue with Sony Xperia S. It even enables transferring files with its Wi-Fi Direct Support feature. There are two types of keyboards including the landscape mode, where the entire keyboard can be seen and supports two – handed usage. The portrait mode facilitates one-handed usage. You may need to charge this Smartphone once in a day with respect to normal usage.

Sony Xperia S serves to be the perfect package and is capable of leading the android bandwagon.

Final verdict: Sony Xperia S is an exciting android phone with its 4.3-inch screen and comfortably fits into your palms. Paving the way for a convenient usage, there are varied features including the 32 GB internal memory, Gingerbread OS and its LED indicators. Besides, it looks great.

Reviewed by the Experts @RelianceDigital after the analysis and study of the phone in detail Reliance Digital, the Consumer Durables and Electronic Arm of RIL is a one stop shop for technology solutions of all kinds.


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