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Jan 12, 2013

World Laughter Day: Laugh and be Merry

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World Laughter Day
Laughter is the best medicine. Rightly said, if there is one blessing that is there especially for humans, it is laughter no other creature in the nature is blessed with this.

Laughter makes us lessen our burdens, and makes us deal with life in a lighter way. The laughing moments that we share with our loved ones brings us together and much closer to each other wiping out all the differences.

It has also been proved again and again scientifically that laughing is very good for both physical health and mental health. Laughter lessens the stress, and helps the person keep up his balance.

Laughter is such an important thing that we can hardly neglect its importance. But due to the mechanical life and hard situations in life we hardly have a situation where in we can share a laughing moment with our families.

It is exactly this situation that has given rise to laughter clubs. Laughter club is a place where people get together and share good jokes and funny incidents may be anything that brings laughter and makes up ones mood.

These kinds of clubs are in fact rendering good service to the society by keeping people stress free and light at heart. I think this example is enough for us to show how important it is for us to laugh.

Laughter has unlimited benefits and the good news is it comes free of cost. You don’t have to spend a penny to laugh; all that is need is to look out for situations in life that make you laugh.

And be surrounded by people who laugh and who spread positive energy. You can also view comedy shows that come on T. V, cartoons that will make you burst with laughter, comedy films, anything and everything that will make you laugh and make you look the positive side of life.

So, spread laughter, and live life the lighter way, that is the best way to celebrate World Laughter Day.


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