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Feb 13, 2013

A New Definition for Service and Help

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Service and Help
There was a time when the meaning of service and help was focused on others. But now with the changing times, the definition of service and help has changed.

The focus has shifted from others to self, today we say I give my services to the company and I get paid for my services, you go to a restaurant and there it is written self help.

Is this a change in the meaning of the words or the change in the mind set of the people? Is this a representation of the people belonging to the New World, whose focus is entirely on the self?

Help and Service are the words that have changes many people’s lives; these are the words that are a source of inspiration to many.

Help and service are the words that have given a direction to the life of many people and evolved them to the divine level from mere humans.

There is nothing wrong in using these words for the self, but we should not get drowned in this so deeply that we are on our way of forgetting its original meaning.

Let us try to shift our focus from the self, a bit, to our fellow beings and life. Let us at least once in a while, remember the true meaning of the words “Help and Service” and try to put into practice in our life.

We are leading a life in the changing world, changing time; we are surrounded by people who have a new mind set and attitude. Better or worse we know better, it is always welcome and good to have an adaptive attitude, but we should not forget our roots and the truth.

Let us once again remember the true meaning of Help and Service and try to live it, because we ‘Humans’.


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