Web Analytics Business News This Week Benefits of Trends and Technology in the Educational System | Business News This Week

Mar 28, 2013

Benefits of Trends and Technology in the Educational System

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Since its origin the educational system under went so many changes according to the time, place and necessity. In the olden days education system laid more stress on the development of the individual, instead of just stuffing his mind with facts. The old educational system laid stress on the values and morals. Now all that matters is ranks, scores and success.

Keeping this aside, there has been a lot of influence of the changing trends and technology on the educational system. In the beginning Board was used to write, draw, and teach, then came charts, then projectors, then it was the turn of computers, and the trend is constantly upgrading itself with time.

Now is the age of Social networking and this has also made its way into the classrooms. Today students are creating YouTube videos; Professors are creating class room focused blogs, and even Face book pages. This way both the teacher and the taught are being benefitted using technology and following the trend.

Take for instance podcasts or online learning tutorials, people can learn and educate themselves, sitting at the comfort of their home. In addition to paid online classes and degree programmes some universities are offering free non credit online courses. To name two of such Institutes, Massachusetts Institute of technology and Stanford University are at present offering free courses.

MOOCs are a revolution in the way students learn, and this trend has its impact across the globe. These courses are typically free, and only require a computer and, of course, the internet. Another trend in educational system is Game-based learning; GBL can be anything from learning simulations, to using video games in the class room.

Game Based Learning is designed to balance game play with subject matter, and this helps students to retain and apply what they’ve learned. Although it’s still in the early phases we are sure to see games being used more frequently in the learning process.

So, changing trends and technology is becoming a helping tool for both the teacher and the taught. And in this process of learning, along with education students will make themselves familiar with the changing trends and technology. And this will help them to upgrade and improve in more ways.


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