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Apr 3, 2013

Shri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC) 87th Annual day

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Shri Ram College of Commerce
New Delhi, April 3, 2013: Shri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC) today observed its 87th Annual Day in the presence of Chief Guest Hon’ble Minister of Human Resource Development, Dr. M.M. Pallam Raju.

The Annual Day celebration was started by lighting of lamp and floral tributes to the Founder Sir Shri Ram by Chief Guest, Dr. M.M. Pallam Raju; Shri. Ajay S. Shriram, Chairman, SRCC Governing Body and Dr. PC Jain, Principal, SRCC.

Dr.MM Palam Raju, Hon’ble Human Resource Development Minister was delighted to be a part of the SRCC annual day and while congratulating the college on the 87th annual day celebrations he said “SRCC today is one of the finest institution and attracts the best talent across the country. I compliment the founders and the management for supporting and nourishing the institute."

He added, "Institutions like SRCC also need to promote entrepreneurs to fuel the economy further and help the nation grow."

He further spoke about the education system in India "Higher education is going through a transformation with new practices worldwide and the need of the country is to incorporate these practices in the system. We must have a strategy on how our human resource will be recognized globally; the foundation must be made through academics. With the changing economy and increase in younger population the government is trying to ensure that the young population is given education and the skill sets for them to grow and be recognized globally."

The event saw conferment of Best Alumni Awards to the former students of the esteemed institution and conferment of medals and prizes to students and presentation of memento to the Chief Guest.

“Shri Ram College of Commerce has grown in stature to become one of the most prestigious education institutions in the field of Commerce and Economics. The College has always endeavored to maintain high standards of Academic Excellence. We are proud to see the students excel in every walk of life; their efforts have brought fame both to the college and the nation.” SRCC, Chairman, Governing Body, Shri. Ajay S. Shriram said.

SRCC has developed itself over the years and retains its prestigious position as the foremost of institutions dedicated to Commerce and Economics education in the country.

Its Alumni occupy distinguished positions in almost all spheres of society, government, bureaucracy, banking, finance, academics, business, journalism and media. It has been a long journey through the seventy-five years and yet the journey has perhaps just begun.

Shri Ram College of Commerce continues to remain a dream destination and then a springboard to great achievements for many a youngster of our country.

The College has on its faculty highly qualified academicians and attracts the very best of students from all over the country and abroad. SRCC enjoys a prestigious position and after graduating from here many students are readily admitted in renowned foreign universities. Students enjoy a distinct advantage in the matter of employment in reputed organizations and a good number of them are offered positions, through campus recruitment, even before their results are declared.

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LIN Opinion – The LOWE LINTAS PR Division


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