Web Analytics Business News This Week 5 Proven ill- Effects of over working - Workaholic | Business News This Week

Jun 7, 2014

5 Proven ill- Effects of over working - Workaholic

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The days are long gone when office times used to be nine to four. Today the position of an employee is that there are strict and set timings for reporting to the job, but when he will come out?

We can say even God will not know. If we are hearing news about more number of employees committing suicide it does not sound strange. Too much of work load and to be met deadlines are normal working conditions for employees in today’s time. It would be surprising if it is not so anywhere.

But its consequences are not at all good either for the employee or to the company. Wonder why? We will know when we look at the effects of over working, let us study them.

1. The impacts of over working on health are weakened digestive system and weakened immunity,

2. Increased feelings of irritation, fatigue and even at home thinking about work or work related issues.

over working - Workaholic3. Failure resulting from extreme focus on a single goal.

4. Because of excessive work our creativity and problem solving skills are affected in a severe way.

5. Excessive work actually lessens productivity and quality of work.

So, those who are really concerned about the quality of the work and productivity should always try not to overload their brain and body with too much of work. As the saying rightly goes “Too much of anything is good for nothing”


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