Any human born on this earth wants a peaceful and happy life. But in life we come across those situations when we just can’t hold it anymore, loose our cool, and start fighting. Though later on we may feel that it was unnecessary to do so, but for most of us it is just impossible task to hold back ourselves in that moment of time.
We all know that fighting does not lead to any solution and it even spoils the relationship. But what recent studies show is that arguments and fights not only spoil relationships but also health. Studies show that people who argue and fight, have shorter life span and people who don’t argue and fight live long life. So for your own health sake take a decision not to involve yourself in fights or arguments and try to keep your cool.
But what is it that we can do to end a fight, let us look at those ways.
1. First and the foremost is to stop arguing, in the very moment, let you be right or let the other person be right, forget everything. We might not have control over the other person and his behavior, but we definitely have control over our own so start the corrective step from our side.
2. When you are triggered and feel ready to burst out, take some deep breaths or count back words from 10 or leave the place and go for a walk or listen to your favorite piece of music.
3. If the other person knows your weakness and intentionally says something the he knows very well will trigger you. You don’t repeat that behavior towards him, you don’t say anything that triggers him even, and will worsen the situation.
4. When such a situation arises where in there is so scope of fight or argument. First you take responsibility of yourself that no matter what, you will behave yourself and will not cross limits. Remember your end intention; is it to win the love of the other person or to win the fight or argument? Then it will be easy for you to hold yourself back.
5. Giving up fighting or arguing does not make you inferior, any fool on the earth can fight and argue. But it takes a person with great inner strength to have control over his emotions and feeling and think what is right in that moment and act accordingly. So by giving up ways to fight and arguments, you are opening the doors of love, remember this and you will never regret that you dropped your swords (swords of words).
6. Remember that fighting or arguing is not the way to communicate with the other person. Instead look into the eyes and hearts fully say whatever that is that you want to communicate.
Try to follow these techniques when the situation poses before you and see what you make out of yourself.
We all know that fighting does not lead to any solution and it even spoils the relationship. But what recent studies show is that arguments and fights not only spoil relationships but also health. Studies show that people who argue and fight, have shorter life span and people who don’t argue and fight live long life. So for your own health sake take a decision not to involve yourself in fights or arguments and try to keep your cool.
But what is it that we can do to end a fight, let us look at those ways.
1. First and the foremost is to stop arguing, in the very moment, let you be right or let the other person be right, forget everything. We might not have control over the other person and his behavior, but we definitely have control over our own so start the corrective step from our side.

3. If the other person knows your weakness and intentionally says something the he knows very well will trigger you. You don’t repeat that behavior towards him, you don’t say anything that triggers him even, and will worsen the situation.
4. When such a situation arises where in there is so scope of fight or argument. First you take responsibility of yourself that no matter what, you will behave yourself and will not cross limits. Remember your end intention; is it to win the love of the other person or to win the fight or argument? Then it will be easy for you to hold yourself back.
5. Giving up fighting or arguing does not make you inferior, any fool on the earth can fight and argue. But it takes a person with great inner strength to have control over his emotions and feeling and think what is right in that moment and act accordingly. So by giving up ways to fight and arguments, you are opening the doors of love, remember this and you will never regret that you dropped your swords (swords of words).
6. Remember that fighting or arguing is not the way to communicate with the other person. Instead look into the eyes and hearts fully say whatever that is that you want to communicate.
Try to follow these techniques when the situation poses before you and see what you make out of yourself.
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