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Jun 2, 2014

Last Moments are Eye Openers

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eye opener
If we were to ask this question to anyone everyone would give a different answer. Some may say Parents, life partner, friends, lover, everyone has his own answer. But the fact is quiet different, a small tremor in the earth and we run out leaving everything and everyone we love. Any natural calamity or any disaster acts as an eye opener to us if we take it in the right sense.

Life long we do so much of hard work and give all our time to accumulate things that we think are very important to us, but when the moment of test comes we give priority to our life first, then anything else. What does this reveal to us? It revels to us the reality of our own selves, the fact that we love our life first and then anything else or anyone else.

It is only in the last moment that we open our eyes to the reality of life. When we are in the death bed or facing a sudden unexpected event, we think maybe I should have lead my life like this, maybe I should have done this thing, or I should not have done this thing. This is the reality of life that we ignore when everything is all right and as per routine.

The things, and matters that we think are the priorities of life, look so silly and stupid when we are in the last moment. Then the realization comes to us that we have wasted our life in useless pursuits, ignoring the very thing that is important for us. In this world there will be very few people who have opened to their eyes to this fact, still when they are alive. These are the people that stick to truth and lead their life in a principled way.

So, apart from accumulating things developing relationships and leading a comfortable life. If we can spare some time daily to ourselves just to contemplate, what is important for us and what are our priorities, then maybe we don’t have to regret. If we learn to treat every moment as the last one, then it will become easy for us to lead a life and to accept death without any regrets or ill feelings.


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