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Jun 3, 2014

Top 10 Fitness Tips for Working Women

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fitness tips for woking women
Perhaps there is no other role that is more challenging than to be a working women, and managing family, children, husband and in-laws. Working women live double the age, working at home and at office. This is no ordinary task, getting lost in the responsibilities at the office and at home, they hardly take care of themselves and their health.

They are so exhausted at the end of the day that they don’t even feel like taking their food; forget about taking care of health. But when we start neglecting our health and do not take food in time, do not rest properly, we have to give more time to run around hospitals and have to be prepared to take pain.

So, though it is nearly impossible, we have to take charge of our own health and fitness. Below mentioned are some of the ways that can help us stay fit and healthy.

1. Make sure that you take a balanced diet and not ‘anything’. It is very important that there are required levels of vitamins and minerals in the diet to help you stay physically and mentally active during the whole day.

2. For working women it is not always possible to take packed lunch from home. If there are canteens in the working place they usually prefer eating there. But this is not good for health in a long run. Homemade food is best for health.

3. Good and sound sleep is a must if you want to stay fit and healthy. Make sure that you have at least six hours of sleep, as it boosts your immune system and improves the health of the heart.
4. Most of the working women get used to drinking more than four cups of coffee reasons may vary but the point is that drinking too much of coffee is not at all good for health. So make sure that you stick to only two cups of coffee.

5. If it is not possible for you to do some exercise during the week days, try some work out during the week ends. Ask your physical trainer as to what kind of exercises help you to stay fit and active and follow them.

6. Spare some time for yourself daily, at least half to one hour. Spend that time alone or in meditation as this will help you to recharge and will make you feel better and active.

7. Most of us it is habit that unless and until we have a problem we don’t go to a doctor. But to stay fit and healthy, it is very important that we go for a complete health check up at least once a year.

8. Make it a habit to take at least one fruit every day, preferably seasonal fruits and if not anything else one banana or apple a day, as they say to keep the doctor away.

9. Water occupies a major portion of our body, so if you want to stay active and healthy, you should make it a habit to take lot of water.

10. As far as possible try avoid taking frozen foods and beverages. Instead take fresh fruit juices, salads and sprouts.
Follow these tips and stay active and fit.


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