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Aug 1, 2014

What is the Need of the Hour Preachers or Practitioners?

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People most of the times know that they are doing something that they should not be doing. If we take the example from epics Ravana was a great scholar and possessed great knowledge, but what did he do with himself after acquiring the knowledge? One act of temptation ruined him and his entire kingdom.

Even in today’s time we have so many resources to teach us what is good and what is bad. We have books written by scholars, we have mentors, we have religious persons and preachers who show the path of righteousness. We don’t lack the knowledge of what is right and wrong, but we lack implementation.

Every one in the world follows a religion or a path of truth that teaches him how to mould his life for betterment. Everyone in the world is blessed with parents who show them 'what is right and wrong'. Everyone goes to school and educates himself so that he moulds himself into a human.

Then why are we like this even if we listen to any one of the persons who are there to guide us or even follow one aspect of what we have learnt from our elders or gurus or from teachers our lives would be different. If we cannot put into practice that which we have learnt there is no use of accumulating knowledge.

If there would be half the number of practitioners of what is right, than the preachers of truth, our world will not be like this. We have enough resources to show us the way, and enough people to guide us, but what we need is courage to implement what we have learnt. If every one of us pulls up the courage to practice instead of preach this world would be changed. So, need of the hour is practitioners, not really preachers.


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